Friday, March 6, 2009

Honduras was amazing. it was incredible to have all of ones assumptions about life, and another way of living it, challenged. I went there with all these assumptions and guesses about what it would be like to be in their situation and instead I found that I was incorrect in nearly every case. for example, I thought that I would be unhappy to live in such a situation, such as houses like I saw; instead I found I adapted quickly and really enjoyed many things about their way of life; I might go as far to say that they are far superior in some ways to ours, like being thankful and content with what one has been blessed with. The children were all so wonderful as well and I will really miss them, especially little Denis Fernando and Gloria. they had so much responsibility for being so young and yet they had so much joy. we can learn a lot from them. I could probably go on forever but i don't really have the time so let me conclude with a quick list of events and then conclusion.

1. dangerous plane ride.
2. dangerous and incredibly fun truck rides.
3. chased by bull ( that was really a cow)
4. working extremely hard
5. making wonderful friends
6. life changing experiences

you can find a way to go on a mission trip and you should, it will change your life for the better and draw you and others closer to Christ and an understanding his perfect love.

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