Monday, February 16, 2009

And We're Off...

Tomorrow morning at 6am the team will jump on the plane and head to Honduras! I'm bringing a laptop, and will do my best to keep you up to date with stories and photos from the trip.
Over the last couple of days, God has been teaching me a lot about surrender and preparation. It's a funny process, living with an attitude of surrender and preparation---you spend your life surrendering to God and what He's asking of you, then preparing to do what He's asking. But, at least for me, the thing I am preparing for becomes less important (in some ways) than the process of preparing and surrendering.

I know this trip will be incredible, and I know that, because God has transformed me in the process of preparing. And now, with the trip literally 24 hours away, I am feeling very called to expectations, my pride in my own skills, even the team. I'm surrendering all of it to God and trusting that all this preparation had a significant purpose.

As a leader, I feel very humbled, and as a friend reminded me, "that's all the better - the more for God to glorify Himself!" That's what this entire trip is about - God and His glory. We are merely along for the ride....and I'm sure it'll be quite a ride.

While we are traveling and working, please continue to pray for the team. Pray for health, safety and the ability to complete all 36 latrines.

Can't wait to return and share stories of how God used us, changed us and changed some people we are excited to meet in Honduras

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